Thursday, May 28, 2009

Whistling Straight

Bill Simmons, the Sports Guy on ESPN, has a brilliant piece today on the state of officiating in the NBA. He rails about the generally poor and inconsistent quality in the playoffs this year. 

He also provides some interesting history, such as why the NBA shot clock is 24 seconds. The reason: the NBA owner who thought of it in the 50's (partially as a result of a game in which 80 free throws were shot and another game in which the final score was 19-18) watched a lot of games and concluded that the most entertaining ones included 60 shots by each team. 120 shots spread over 48 minutes results in 1 shot every 24 seconds.

Now, if only I could find out who decided that the two slots in electrical plugs should be 5/8" apart, or why there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, or why pretty much the whole world, despite the many cultural and language differences, agrees that each minute should have 60 seconds and each hour 60 minutes.

That's all I have to contribute to today's mental flatulence.

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